Walter Rodney


Guyanese leftist historian and revolutionary. Wrote extensively on Africa and was involved politically in Africa, especially Tanzania. Wrote penetrating economic and historical works using simple language while never forgetting to put the downtrodden first. Supporter of racial equality always and everywhere, he formed a leftist group in Guyana called the Working People's Alliance which aimed to unite the multi-ethnic working class in Guyana against their true enemy: capitalism and it's puppets in the government. Assassinated by car bomb in Guyana in retaliation for his political involvement.

A History of the Guyanese Working People 1881-1905: 286 pages. Details in great detail the struggles and material conditions of the Guyanese working class, both those of African and Indian background. A materialist, Marxist history of a very important period in Guyana's history, it is also a passionate case for the unity of the multicultural Guyanese working class and an attack on the racist diversions used to break the unity of the working class to facilitate it's exploitation.